Tuesday, October 25, 2011

¡Hola! What's up world?!!?

So this is my first foray into blogging.  I've been thinking about this for quite some time, as I'm constantly posting long rants, raves, explanations, opinions and ideas on Facebook, as well as holding court with my students, monopolizing the time of my friends and colleagues at UC Merced, and slowly driving my wife and kids insane because I just talk too much :-)

I don't aim for every post to be controversial, thought provoking or even educational or enlightening.  Though my goal is that many of them will have some or all of the above elements, it is, quite selfishly, a way to get me writing more.  As a nontenured faculty member, it's publish or perish.  And to publish, you HAVE to write.  So sometimes my posts will just be a way for me to get the writing flowing from my head onto the screen/page.  Some posts will be on things I've dwelt on for a long time.  Some will be instantaneous reactions.

As to the name, well the second part, Simón, is my name obviously.  Born of a Venezuelan father who idolized the El Gran Libertador, I was named after Bolivar.  So needless to say I have A LOT to live up to with my name.  However, in Chicana/o slang (known as Caló--y sabes que loco, yo soy muy  malo), is used as a substitute for "hell yeah" or "right on".  Orale, also has much the same meaning.  So you could read the blog title as saying "yeah, right on" or "Hell yeah Simón" which is what I think will be many of your reactions.  But even if it's not, I hope you enjoy the read.  And of course, feel free to comment, send the link to your friends and family, and make this a place where we can share thoughts and ideas, jokes and fun, and help each other understand everything from the dynamics of protest in the United States, to the diversity of Latinos, to why Barcelona is the best soccer team in the world, or why Chicago style pizza is the best!!

I'll end with this quote from William Penn:  "A true friend freely, advises justly, assists readily, adventures boldly, takes all patiently, defends courageously and continues a friend unchangeably"

I look forward to our bold adventures together



1 comment:

  1. You know I will read... just to keep your liberal rants honest. ;)
